Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

This is what we have been up to in 2008:

Nic has been busy working full-time and finishing his Associate’s degree in Construction Management at Salt Lake Community College. Now it’s on to getting his Bachelor’s at Weber University in Construction Management, which should be completed in 2 more years.

Clark has been busy talking non-stop (usually about trucks, trains, cars, and his grandpa’s: Papa Wil and Pops). He LOVES: to eat, visit family, dance, sing, pray, new clothes, his baby brother, friends, trucks, and to wrestle with his dad.

Gary has been busy crawling, investigating the entertainment center, eating, and snuggling before bed. He LOVES: animal crackers, tofu, apple juice, fruit, yogurt, sweet potatoes, carrots, laughing, being held, baths, and he is sooooo ticklish.

It has been a fun year!!!! If you can, visit our blog anytime to see updates and pictures of our family: http://fiedlerfam.blogspot.com/


Brittney said...

Wow, that's great that Nic will be at Weber now. Will he have to go to Ogden every day? And you'll have to tell me how you cook tofu for Gary! I do the soy dogs but they kind of gross me out. =) Cute picture!

Bart said...

Hey Fiedler Fam'!

Glad to hear (read) things are going well!

Eric said...

It's about time you posted again. Been wondering how you've been doing. Sounds like your little family's doing great. Happy Holidays and Love your family picture!

Chera Reese said...

Dang Nick you look good!
